Son Goku Merchandise
Son Goku is the iconic protagonist of one of the most successful manga and anime franchises ever created - Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball. Based on the classic Journey to the West hero Sun Wukong, Goku is later revealed to be a member of the extraterrestrial warrior race known as the Saiyans and was originally called “Kakarot.”
Adopted by Grandpa Gohan, Goku is the biological son of Bardock and Gine who was sent to Earth with a mission to destroy it, but something went wrong and he forgot all about the Earth destroying thing and became its best defender instead!
As a Saiyan, Goku also has access to Super Saiyan abilities and is able to focus his ki to create powerful energy based attacks including his signature “Kamehameha” which launches a blue energy beam from his palms. After meeting Bulma, Goku takes off on a quest to find the seven different orbs known as Dragon Balls which will summon a wish granting dragon when gathered together.
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